Beans are one of the new currencies added to Among Us. You’ll be able to turn this in for a variety of items that you can find in the in-game store. The beans are not a currency you need to purchase using real-world money, so you don’t have to open your wallet to earn more. Here’s what you need to know about Beans, and where to redeem them.
Everyone earns beans by playing casual games. That means all you have to do is jump into an online game, play with your friends or by yourselves, and at the end of each match, you’ll earn several beans for your trouble. We earned plenty of beans merely by playing the game. We didn’t even win our match.

You’ll also earn Pods at the end of the match, which you can use on a Cosmicube, if you have one activated. Once you’ve collected enough Beans, head over to the Among Us in-game store to purchase the hats, skins, visors, or Cosmicubes that require beans. You can visit the Among Us in-game store at any time to redeem your currency. There are also a handful of cosmetics that require stars, but those are the premium currency for Among Us, and those do require real-world money to purchase.

Published: Nov 9, 2021 6:59 PM UTC